One Man’s Memoir – In IV Acts

Thanks for your interest in reading my memoir! It has not been professionally edited nor has the website been professionally designed. So take it for what it is—warts and all.

Initially, read through the groundwork that sets up the adventure. Start with the PROLOGUE below. Navigation is via buttons at the bottom of each section, or you can use the navigation menu at the top of each page. The latest posts appear below, after I HAVE VOICES IN MY HEAD.

At the bottom of each section is a Comment form, feel free to leave me a comment. You can also use this form to receive updates when a new post is added. Don’t miss out!


I decided to look back and try to remember all that has happened in my life.

I’ve had an exciting, varied, sometimes normal life…much of the time. I want to get it down on paper—or digital screen, as the case may be—while I still hold the memories in my head. I’ll admit, some memories may not hold true to what actually happened. But that’s how memories go.

I haven’t changed any names. Though, I sometimes use just first names to protect the innocent, or make up a name where I couldn’t remember it. I’m also trying to be as honest as possible. I am not proud of everything I’ve done in my life. I have regrets. But all of it has conspired to make me the man I am.

I often refer to other men as “boys.” So, when I’m talking about some of the guys I dated or had sex with and call them a boy, it is not to be taken literally. I sometimes use “girls” when ladies or women just doesn’t sound right. Time and place when you’re writing about what you remember.

I reached out to friends and asked them to look at parts of this to get feedback and to help fill in some blanks or correct things I had wrong. That is much appreciated. I’m thankful that so many photographs have survived to help me along on this journey. There were times when I was trying to place a person or time and thought I had a photo on that. And did. Or looking through old yearbooks.

One thing I’ve learned is that memories don’t always have nice tidy conclusions. They just are what they are…a person in time, a place in time. I’ve tried to stitch them together logically sometimes, but sometimes the narrative just moves on to another topic. Another memory. Apologies to friends who aren’t included or just in a very small way. There are so many I do remember and are still friends with, but I just have very few memories about our friendship way back when.

I start off with summaries of a couple of parts of my life that have been important for me, work and singing. There’s more detail woven in along the way.

This work as a whole is not for everyone. I don’t pull many punches and can be a bit crass…I’ve been told. But if you’ve been a part of my life, there is probably at least one chapter you fit into and might enjoy reading.

Initially, navigating through the story is through the buttons at the bottom of each page. As more chapters are added, there will eventually be a post menu for navigating at you choose. The latest posts will always show on the homepage.

Thanks to everyone who’s been part of my life. I wouldn’t have much of a memoir without you!

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